Sunday, September 22, 2013

Garden in the Shade

Have you ever grown anything from a teeny tiny seed to a full on veggie that you can proudly call you own? I have. And it's an amazing feeling - almost like a miracle.

My mum and I grew PEAS!!!

I had gone to my local Bunnings about a year ago, and inspired by Jamie Oliver's garden (I literally dream of that garden bursting with healthy foods haha) bought a packet of pea seeds, and broad bean seeds which I have yet to plant.

I've loved growing my peas, and the satisfaction you get when you pick them is indescribable! I couldn't even believe how many pods we got - it was an adventure in itself just looking behind vines and leaves finding more and more pea pods :)

Growing peas, tomatoes, radishes, carrots - it's so so easy and more rewarding than I imagined! I hope this post has gotten you interested in growing your own veggies too!

The produce tastes a million times better, too, and you know that there are no pesticides or any nasty chemicals tainting your healthy foods! Give it a try :)

Friday, September 6, 2013

A Day in the Life

1. cleaning my room and found a vintage cat tea cup that used to belong to my mum!
2. my dog managed to jump up on the lemon tree's pot, then couldn't get down so we rescued her
3. my cousin and I - seeing as I'm an only child he really is like a brother to me
4. a cute chalkboard message I found in my friend's room :)