Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Let's Hope It's a Good One

At midnight tonight, 2014 is officially over. I've spent the past few weeks thinking that this is a good thing - I can finally let go of the stumbling blocks which have been dragging me down, with the promise of a fresh start tomorrow. But then I woke up this morning feeling completely different, as if I had made a full turnaround in my thinking. 

Amidst the tough times, I've had an altogether incredible year. There were amazing challenges to get through, and things to overcome, but I did it, and I'm certain if you look back on your year you'll find that you did too! So much change in the space of one small year - a whole new perspective, a changed view of what's important, and a lot of learning - was squished into 365 short days. I'm proud of that, and what I've pushed through to achieve. 

So instead of wishing 2014 a hearty goodbye, I think I'll feel a little lighter today as I remember everything that's happened - the good and the bad. 

I know one thing that I will definitely be indulging in to end this year - a lovely, calming bath to match my renewed sparkle and energy for 2014. 

My bath essentials always include a scented candle to mesmerise and lose yourself in, bath fizz for a little playfulness and for soft skin, and a good book of two.

Have a Happy New Year everyone xx

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Silently Closing Her Bedroom Door...

A nostalgic look into my Christmassy bedroom! Even though I just moved in two weeks ago, I tried really hard to make the festivities feel alive in the two weeks before Christmas - and I think I succeeded:

From tinkling bells dangled all around the house, to my festive Christmas Garland Yankee Candle and my mini Christmas tree; from homemade felt decorations to Christmassy scented pens and a good old Christmas themed book (my book of choice by my favourite author, L.M.Montgomery's 'Christmas With Anne'). 

I love Christmas, and I'll be sad to take down all these lovely decorations...but that doesn't mean I've stopped plotting for next year! I'm thinking twinkling lights adorning my bed or mirror might be lovely.

Hope your Christmas and festivities were just as wonderful xx

Monday, December 22, 2014

Paint the Town - Nail Polish Review

For years now, my New Year's resolution has always included a side note to "stop biting my nails." (It's never quite worked out so perfectly though...)

But, alas, these past few months I've become nail polish OBSESSED and it's really given me the drive to stop biting.

I'm almost at the point where I don't nibble at all, but I have the nasty habit of picking the skin around the nail bed - naughty naughty I know! 

It takes a really good nail polish to grab my attention and make me want to re-apply the colour once it's chipped or, dare I say, bitten off! This Maybelline New York Colour Show nail polish, however, is just the ticket, especially for this festive time of year.

A beautiful red, the colour of this nail varnish is Paint the Town (number 260) has hints of mulberry deep reds but is bright enough for a younger spark like myself to wear easily without looking too mature - I prefer the jolly fun version of Christmas!

What really grabbed me about this product, however, is the fact that the application is remarkably smooth and easy, and leaves no streaks. I applied the varnish for two coats, and had even toyed with the idea of a single coat because it's so lovely and luscious it almost doesn't need a second! That's a win-win in my books!

*note this post has not been sponsored by Maybelline; it's just my opinion :)

Happy Christmas (War is Over)

Do you know the feeling when you've just started a new job, are in the midst of moving house, Christmas is creeping up on you and suddenly everyone who's anyone to you wants to catch up over a festive meal and a drink, and you need some quick and easy present ideas that won't take a hundred years to find/make?

Phew. Do I have you covered with this gift idea - totally suitable for everyone out there (well...everyone with a sweet tooth that is)

Basically all you'll need is two glass jars, a bag of marshmallows, hot chocolate powder and a festive Christmas mug!

Fill up one glass jar full to the brim with wonderfully soft moreish marshmallows, and the other with hot chocolate powder. And voila! An 'everything you need to make a fantastically whizz-bang jolly hot chocolate' kit!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Have a Banana!

Does anyone else here scroll through tumblr or instagram in a sort of wanderlust, dreaming and wistfully thinking about the perfect composition of photos, the props, the light and airy summer feels?

As soon as I found THIS mason jar from Typo for a meagre $3.95, I knew I finally had the right sort of prop to go along with nothing other than....the most delicious and summery smoothie I could possibly create! And using only 3 ingredients!

^Enjoyed, of course, with my feet dappling waves in the pool and my (sunscreen lathered) skin shining in the sun.

So, to make one large smoothie:

1. Cut one banana into small discs, and the cheeks of a mango into cubes. Freeze, covered in cling film.

2. Once frozen (at least 4 hours to get the creamy texture) blitz the frozen fruit in a blender with one cup of water.

3. Enjoy this instagrammable smoothie in your mason jar!

*note Typo have no sponsored me for this post.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Halloween Post! When It Gets Dark I Tow Your Heart Away...

Wow - was Halloween really 2 weeks ago already?! Is it already mid-November?? How did this happen!!!!

Oh well, I'd still love to share the super exciting Halloween party my aunty hosted for us two weeks ago - I think you'll agree, her effort was tremendous and I did have to look twice at all the spiders hugging the walls (you know, just in case a live one popped up and tried to hide itself hehe).

We had the weekend at my aunty's house - Halloween dinner party on the Saturday night then breakfast of homemade scones with jam and cream on the Sunday: rather civilised for zombies and witches, don't you think?

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Back in School Again...

Just a quick update for this dear blog of mine - I've been super duper busy studying for my final exams! First year of uni almost over; how crazy is that thought?!

Hope you're all doing well. From my end, this is where I've been spending the majority of my days:

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

You and Me Sunday Driving

A long, leisurely Sunday drive around Sydney with two of my favourite ladies - 'adopted sisters' if you will - was so refreshing after three weeks of non-stop assessments at uni.

I had my two beautiful girls in tow:

N, stunning and rocking a fedora as always.

And Vic, N's gorgeous and always smiley sister:

Starting at Jackie's Cafe in Paddington (no website, sorry!) we lunched on sushi and a delicious-sounding-but-not-quite-up-to-par ricotta and tomato brushchetta. The sushi was nice, but unfortunately all options had mayonnaise which I am NOT a fan of (I say that, yet I did eat till I was quite full!) Oh! Did I mention the edamame beans? My fav dish for sure! 

Overall a lovely spot in a little nook tucked away from the winding streets, with friendly and quick service, and small Parisian looking cafe tables and chairs.

For the fashion-minded out there, I wore a steal of a playsuit from a market stall at a spring fair I went to yesterday. I was worried the jubilant canary yellow and crochet detailing were a liiiiiitle premature since Spring has only really just started but thankfully the day was one of a spotless blue sky days in which I think I got quite a tan and my sunglasses got their first workout since January!

But like I said, this was Sunday driving (as well as lunching) so we took to the road again and found ourselves at N and Vic's favourite patisserie in Double Bay - which I'm sorry but I've forgotten the name of!

We had a smattering of miniature pastries, my favourite being the mini blueberry tart with buttery pastry case. My friend's loved the cream in the middle delight, though!

As the sun bore down, we felt the calling of the seaside, and so found ourselves in Watson's Bay, at the beautifully decorated Watson's Bay Hotel.

Fresh pineapple and mint mocktails were sipped as we looked across the bouncing nautical umbrellas and towards the glistening sea. It was really a delightful place to sit and people watch - the place was absolutely jam packed with people in beach towels to the elegant ladies in heels. I think we sat somewhere in the middle in our casual day-wear - really, the Watson's Bay Hotel is a place for everyone and anyone, with alfresco dining and a terrace bar, picnic style tables and more sophisticated daybeds, or, where we sat, high bar stools. 

We finished the day by the sea - I much-needed catch up and break from the rigours of student life!

Friday, September 5, 2014

I'm Happy Just to Dance With You

...before this dance is through I think I'll love you too...

I swear I don't usually spend my Saturday nights bopping to wonderful theatre plays but sometimes (or thrice this year for me!) you just need an uplifting play to stifle the holiday blues that come with the knowledge that Uni semester starts again on Monday. 

So off we went to the Lyric Theatre to watch 'Strictly Ballroom', directed by Baz Luhrmann just as he directed the film (which I have yet to watch - slap on the wrist for me!). 

Dinner in the food court - just some sushi so no need to photograph - then followed a generous scoop of mango gelato from the infamous Gelato Messina. Yes, they do fantastical and magical flavour combinations, and although I'd love to try a Milk Chocolate with Choc Peanut Fudge (see more of their decadent and heavenly flavours here) I always end up opting for a fruity scoop. 

The show must go on! Off we went to sit in the rather groovy - yes, I did just say groovy! Must be the fluro and sparkles getting to my head - theatre. As the picture below gives you glimpses of, as soon as you enter the theatre you are irrevocably transported into another time! It's wonderful!

^ And no, there is no filter on that - the orange really is that incredibly vibrant!

I won't tell you anymore except to say that having seen three shows this year, I think Strictly Ballroom may have taken the cake! I adored everything about the show - the drama, theatrics, dancing, singing and chemistry along with the flamboyant costuming made for a perfectly 'groovy!' night!

The show ends soon, so buy tickets here

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Day in the Life VI

1. Suprise 50th birthday party for my Aunty - she knew there would be a get together before dinner, but not that I would be there too!
2. Popping jelly babies into a tub of ice cream and scoffing down half with my friend in the car after dinner :)
3. Bowling with some little ones - the youngest (who'd never bowled before) won!
4. Enjoyed three beach walks this week, despite the cold.

Monday, July 14, 2014


My Uni holidays are well and truly kicked off (actually past halfway now eeeep!) and I've been surprised at how much I've done and how many friends and family I've seen over the days - I've literally not had one day off!!

But when you're always setting off to places away from 'home', it's surprisingly easy to forget how lucky we are to live where we do. I'm not going to wholeheartedly admit that I'm completely content in Sydney, as not a day goes by when I don't think of jetting to Europe and England (particularly today on such a lovely grey winter day) BUT I've found over the last few weeks that where I live is beautiful, inspirational, incredible and absolutely gorgeous

Here are some snaps to prove to you just how inspiring the beach near my house is: (btw, these photos - excuse the iPhone camera - were taken on three separate days at the same beach in the same week)