Thursday, April 16, 2015

My One Year Veggie-versary

Ok, so slightly *ahem* lame title, BUT it gets across what I need it to! On April 17th 2014 I was talking to a friend and saying how I was really considering becoming a vegetarian - it had always been in the back of my mind but once I went to a restaurant and ordered baby octopus, and looked down at all their heads when I had finished eating, I couldn't believe that we were eating animals - basically, my friend gave me the final push, and said, "why don't you be a vegetarian then?" And from that second onwards that was it. I was officially a vegetarian.

I'm hoping to write more posts on this topic soon, but I want to remember how much this year has meant to me, so this post is going to be a me me me post, but it means the world to me.

There wasn't too much disagreement in my family when I came home and told my parents about my decision. My dad had been a vegetarian for years (though he isn't anymore) and it was something I had frequently talked about and thought about. It was no surprise that this day was coming - I wish it had come sooner to be honest!

My parents have been incredibly supportive - like beyond anything I could imagine really. Apart from maybe once a week/fortnight, my family is all 100% vegetarian with me and that makes me so so happy :) 

I think the hardest thing has been the reaction from friends and extended family. It isn't easy in my culture (European background, where meat is literally EVERYTHING to them) to shun the traditions. It's certainly gotten a lot better with my family in that everyone else leaves me alone and let's me eat my veggies and pastas and salads, except my grandma who often asks, "when are you going to eat meat again?" I know she's been brought up in a different era, a different world, and that knowledge for one who's entire lifestyle has revolved around meat, and who doesn't have access to the internet, isn't easy to come by. Friends on the other hand are sometimes a lot less accepting. I know they don't mean to push the subject, but even after a year I find it incredible that it's still a talking point when we go out to restaurants together. The worst point was when a friend whom I respected accused me of saying that vegetarians were more evolved than meat-eaters - my friend got really defensive and attacked every word I said. I try very hard not to bring up this facet of my life unless someone else brings it up for me. I've learn that it's better to respect everyone's food choices just as you expect them to respect yours.

I could talk about the changes being vegetarian and becoming more knowledgeable about the food industry has made on me for yonks, but I'll just mention the main areas for now.

I couldn't believe how incredibly fast a change in diet can affect your body: within a week my digestion was immeasurably better, I felt lighter after eating, I was in tune with what my body wanted and craved. My hair is stronger and my skin is incredibly clear, and you might think my conscience would be clear too but unfortunately the more you learn about these industries and the world, the more you realise how much there is still to do. It's disheartening to hear closed-minded responses and questions to making this change. 

There's only been one slip-up so far, and it wasn't my fault. I ordered a veggie roll sushi a few weeks ago for my train ride home after work, and had gotten onto the train and bit into the sushi only to find the store had given me a chicken one by mistake! Thankfully I hadn't bitten into the chicken, but it made me realise how prevalent these animal industries are in our society. One slip of the hand and you're immediately in contact with meat. 

At the moment I'm transitioning away from dairy products. The wondrous taste of almond milk has been brought to my attention (did someone say almond milk hot chocolate??) and I no longer crave cow's milk. Yoghurt is going to be my biggest step, but every time I eat it the thoughts of animal cruelty, of cows being artificially inseminated, of calfs being taken from their mothers, are prevalent in my mind and it's not the type of idea you can pretend isn't there.

Along the way, it is so helpful and comforting to know that there are others with my same views. I follow heaps of blogs and instragrams and tumblrs (my favs are agirlnamedally and essenaoneill) and am in the process of watching documentaries. It made me so happy when my dad agreed to watch 101 Reasons to go Vegan with me, and he saved Food Inc. for me to watch too! 

So much has changed in a year, and yet there is still so so so much more to happen. I want to become a wealth of knowledge on the effects to animals, health and the environment that being vegetarian and vegan have. I want to be armed with statistics, even though they make me incredibly sad. I want to inspire/tell others all about the effect you can make in this world, and I want to shout from the rooftops how happy being vegetarian has made me. That's not to say this is something I should be praised on - definitely not. I feel like living your life according to your values is the best thing you can do, and the fact that this is helping stop animal cruelty is only makes this even better :D My only regret is that I didn't do this sooner. xx

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